Monday, August 13, 2012

Week 33 of 2012 - When things go bump in the night..

I do not remember being afraid of things when I went to bed at night.  When you have two older sisters, you just don't go to bed alone.  For many years I always had my sister sleeping in my bed with me. Then when my brothers were born, Dad made us a bunk bed.  Then I slept alone but I always knew that Sue was in the top bunk above me so I wasn't really alone..  I never remember going to bed alone....

I come from a family of talkers...don't laugh but we always had to talk a little bit before we went to sleep!!!! Many nights we would laugh and talk and carry on and eventually Mom would remind us that it was BEDTIME!  We would giggle a little more and eventually settle down...I do remember more than once when one of us was really tired, someone would say, "hey shut up...I want to sleep...."  and I remember more than once...I was the last one talking...and both of my sisters were fast am the talker!!!

We lived in rural, Macomb County, Michigan. We lived in a small neighborhood of maybe 20 houses with a lot of small farms nearby. I remember in the fall when it started to get cold at night, I would hear scratching in the walls... My sisters and I would get all snuggled in our beds under the covers and when we were very quiet but not yet asleep,  I would hear...scratch, scratch, scratch...scratch, scratch...

"What was that?  I would whisper.

"Did you hear it?" I would ask.

"SSSHHHH!  One of them would  yell...

"It's a mouse silly, now go to sleep!"   It happened every year.  Mom would get some traps out and we would catch a few...and before you knew it there would not be anymore.

One night in the wee hours of the morning, I got up to go to the bathroom.  As I perched half asleep on the toilet, a mouse ran over my foot.  I let out a scream which woke the whole house.  Mom found me standing on the toilet with my panties around my ankles, screaming...

"What are you doing? What is wrong?"   she asked me as she wiped the sleep from her eyes.
"A mouse ran over my foot!", I cried...
"Well, did it bite you?" she asked..
"No!", I replied, surprised by her question.
"Where did it go?" She asked....
"I don't know! " , I cried.
"You scared it half to death with your scream, now go back to bed!" she told me.

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